Anne Jones is a Midwest creative and entrepreneur in fields of graphic designdigital marketing,  and photography.
As a formally-trained designer and digital marketer who has spent over a decade in the fine-dining industry, I’ve seen creative strategy and execution from both the front and back of house. Living the full scope of small-business marketing means wearing many hats—from branding to social media to event planning and execution. This varied background prepared me for the nimble, one-woman operation that is now Anne Jones Design.
Anne Jones Design is built on experience, empathy, and education. I draw on my experience in sales, marketing, and customer service to approach design and strategy holistically. More than simply seeing the big picture from ideation to implementation, an empathetic approach means working for all involved—owner to intern.
To stay on top of trends, continuing education is key. I’ve taken courses in analytics, SEO, copywriting, UX design, video, and email, and I hold certificates in both Digital Marketing and Managing Digital Content. I’m committed to lifelong learning and to fully immersing myself in what excites my clients about their project or business.
If our passions already align, even better. Just as the world of fine dining led to my zeal for wine and an intro-level Sommelier certification, I’m excited to see what new passions my work awakens next.
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